4 Lessons from Hajar in Economic Uncertain COVID-19

23 June, 2020
Q I lost my job in the COVID-19 pandemic. I am so anxious and depressed. How will I provide for my family?


Short Answer:

  • Zamzam at her Service: 4 Lessons from Hajar in Economic Uncertain COVID-19:

1- Hajar believed in Allah.

2- She accepted the situation. When her husband, Prophet Ibrahim, walked away from her. She didn’t go running after him. She trusted him and more that that she trusted Allah.

3- She had Tawakkul in Allah.

4- I am certain that she must have made duaa and asked Allah for help. Did she expect the well of ZamZam popping up? No, of course she didn’t. Did she trust her Lord in an uncertain time? She did. Did she get results due to that trust? Yes. Look now what we gained from her trust in Allah.


In the Name of Allah, most Gracious most Merciful.

Assalamo alaikom warahamtullahi wabarakatuhu.

Actually, today I want to talk to you guys about something that has been raised by one of our beloved brothers. Who is facing a really difficult time during this COVID-19 era, subhanAllah.

A lot of you out there will be suffering with tests to your rizq, to your income, to your provision from Allah. Some people have lost their jobs. Some peoples’ businesses are suffering or are even going under.

So, this is the time that we are really worrying about rizq; where it comes from. Especially when we feel threatened or we feel like our rizq is being removed for some reason.

We start feeling scared and that is really a natural feeling my brothers and sisters.

Allah says in the Quran:

” Verily! Allah is the All Provider, the Owner of Power and The Most Strong. (Quran 51:58)

Why have I used these verses here? Because of course Ar-Razzaq is the main we are thinking about here. But also we need to think why does Allah place two of His Other names along with Ar-Razzaq.

They are very similar attributes. These attributes are put with the All Provider. Why? Because when we lose our rizq, Allah tests us by taking something away from us or by withholding it from us. Or even having a transition between one tyope of wrizq and another type of rizq.

So, we are delaying with the unknown fututre. We often lose strength. We lose heart. We feel emotionally weak and vulnerable.

So, can you see now that Allah gives us hope and security that the rizq is coming from a solid and powerful source – The Powerful, The Solid- The powerful source that our rizq is coming from.

Allah, here is saying to you, my brothers and sisters, don’t worry. Just relax, do the things that you have to do. Search for alternatives of rizq and Allah is the solid structure that is behind you; helping you and sopporting you.

In arabic, rizq means to receive something that benefits us. Sometimes, some of us will get our rizq from a place that is not great for us. Sometimes, Allah will replace this rizq with something that is more beneficial for us.

Allah always guides us to what is most beneficial. Prophet Muhammad said that:

“A soul will not die before it gets all of the provision that has been destined for it”

So we don’t need to worry about this my brothers and sisters. When something is removed we can panic, we can feel the loss of control we can feel the negative thinking that sets in.

When our mother Hajar ran between the mountains of Safa and Marwa in the burning desert heat. She has a crying baby. Fear must have gripped her, right? But, she did several essential things. And these are the things that we should do that we feel in this position:

1- She believed in Allah.

2- She accepted the situation. When her husband, Prophet Ibrahim, walked away from her. She didn’t go running after him. She trusted him and more that that she trusted Allah.

3- She had Tawakkul in Allah.

4- I am certain that she must have made duaa and asked Allah for help. Did she expect the well of ZamZam popping up? No, of course she didn’t. Did she trust her Lord in an uncertain time? She did. Did she get results due to that trust? Yes. Look now what we gained from her trust in Allah.

Sometimes, we look at the losses more than we look at the gains. Actually we realize that the benefits that we gain from the loss, even just that we are forced to lean on Allah in order to get those gains.

Then, we realize that we have been transitioned to something more beneficial, whether it is a different type of rizq or more rizq. Trust Ar-Razzaq he will provide for you just like He provides for the animals and the birds that go out in the morning and come back with provision. Rasullallah told us:

“Whoever wakes up safely in his home and is healthy in his body and has provisions for his day, would have acquired all the worldly possessions he is in need of.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

May Alalh bless you and reward you all.

That is for now from me Ustadha Ameena Blake.

Assalamo alaikom warahamtullahi wabarakatuhu.

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

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About Ustadha Ameena Blake
From Sheffield, UK; Ustadha Ameena Blake embraced Islam in 1992. Her academic qualifications include undergraduate in English Studies, Post Graduate in teaching, MSc in Leadership and Management and MA in Islamic Studies. Ameena has been active since 1994 having studied under various shuyukh and academics including Dr Jamal Badawi, Sh Abdul Aziz Atiq (Yemen), Sh Faisal Manjoo, Dr Atullah Siddiqui and others. Roles have included Vice President of MAB, Assistant Secretary General of the MCB and Head teacher of a girl’s Islamic school. She is founding director of the EHUK women’s refuge project and is a lecturer at Markfield Institute of Higher Education. She also sits on Mosque boards and is an Islamic advisor on Halal Guide. Ustadha Ameena lectures about Islam nationally and internationally and has appeared at conferences, fundraisers and events across the globe. Her topics include tazkiyah, women in the Quran, dawah and Seerah and others. She delivers regular live interactive lectures on Facebook and has appeared on channels including Channel 4, Sky TV, The Islam channel, BBC radio, Iqraa TV and others.