When You Are Alone, Enjoy God’s Company

(Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom: Part 18)

“If He takes you away from people, then know that He is opening to you the doors of His company.

And if He allows you to ask, then know that He wants to give you something.”

Sometimes Allah tests us with the death of a spouse, brother, or a dear person… and you might find yourself one morning on a hospital bed or somewhere remote traveling, where you are only by yourself, when you are alone.

In this case, the lesson here is to know that you are not really alone; Allah Almighty is with you. And this is a very important part of the journey.

When you feel alone, don’t feel lonely, feel that Allah is opening the doors of His presence for you. When you are alone, whom are you going to mention and whom are you going to speak to? To Allah Almighty.

A Golden Opportunity

So He is actually opening the door of uninterrupted presence, remembrance and meditation with Him.

His company is something that maybe you were missing because you’re very busy with your life and what you’re doing and so forth.

And that is why Allah took away the people from you or took you away from the people. This could be a highlight in your life. When you are alone somewhere and you turn to Allah and you start to think about your life in a deeper way and you read things that you didn’t read before, or you reflect upon issues that you never reflected upon before… Because you didn’t have a chance.

But He opened that door for you. And when He opens the door of His company, you should use the opportunity to ask Him. And the sheikh here is teaching that if He allows you to ask, then know that He is going to give you something.

Ask Allah

Maybe not exactly what you are asking for because what you are asking for is not good for you. Allah says:

And man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, and man is ever hasty. (17:11)

They’re not really wise, they don’t understand what they are asking for. So when you ask, you should know that Allah is going to give you something and that thing is either what you are asking for if it is good, or something even better. But you should know that the dua is the true worship, it’s the core of worship. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Dua is the essence of worship. (At-Tirmidhi)

Allah answers us in this life or in the next life. We should not feel that the isolation is actually a punishment, but we feel that the isolation is a gift so that He opens the doors of His company.

And what company is better than His?

The Prophet Muhammad used to say in his travels:

You are the company in my travel. (Muslim)

So when he traveled, he felt the company of Allah. And in the travel of the journey of this world, He is the best company that you could have. In addition to other company of humans and things, that is fine, but He will always remind you of His company with His blessings and to take you steps further on His way.

May Allah allow us to feel His company and to benefit from it.


A Journey to God (Folder)


About Dr. Jasser Auda
Jasser Auda is a Professor and Al-Shatibi Chair of Maqasid Studies at the International Peace College South Africa, the Executive Director of the Maqasid Institute, a global think tank based in London, and a Visiting Professor of Islamic Law at Carleton University in Canada. He is a Founding and Board Member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Member of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, Fellow of the Islamic Fiqh Academy of India, and General Secretary of Yaqazat Feker, a popular youth organization in Egypt. He has a PhD in the philosophy of Islamic law from University of Wales in the UK, and a PhD in systems analysis from University of Waterloo in Canada. Early in his life, he memorized the Quran and studied Fiqh, Usul and Hadith in the halaqas of Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo. He previously worked as: Founding Director of the Maqasid Center in the Philosophy of Islamic Law in London; Founding Deputy Director of the Center for Islamic Ethics in Doha; professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada, Alexandria University in Egypt, Islamic University of Novi Pazar in Sanjaq, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies, and the American University of Sharjah. He lectured and trained on Islam, its law, spirituality and ethics in dozens of other universities and organizations around the world. He wrote 25 books in Arabic and English, some of which were translated to 25 languages.