Is It Demeaning to Be Servant of God?

Servitude to God Liberates You

Servitude to fellow human beings is accompanied by depression, anxiety and gloom whereas servitude to God is associated with mental calmness and inner peace and serenity.

God Almighty says to Prophet Muhammed {it is not for you to decide.} (Aal `Imran 3:128) In other words, you are a servant.

If you want power and glory then you must get close to the source of power and glory. If you want water you must get close to the source of water so that you can drink from it and pass it on to others as well.

In a similar way, if you want peace then you must get close to God Who is the ultimate source of peace so that you can have peace and convey peace to others.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to call upon God by saying, “O Allah, You are peace and from you comes peace.

We must realize that in this worldly life of ours we are imprisoned within many prisons. Many of us live inside a prison called fear of poverty. Others live inside the prison called fear of the future. Some are imprisoned inside their fear of oppressors while others are imprisoned by their extreme concern for worldly things. There is nothing that can liberate us from all of these fears except servitude to God. You can be liberated from your fear of poverty by putting your trust in your master and Benefactor.

You can be liberated from your fear of what the future holds by putting your trust in your Master who knows and controls all that will happen in the future. You can be liberated from the fear of an oppressor by putting your trust in your powerful and mighty Master.

You can be liberated from your concern about worldly things by putting your trust in your Lord who is the Self-Sufficient, the enricher and the Provider.

One day when I was in the United States, a woman who did not believe in God came to me asking that I explain Islam to her. I started explaining the six facets of faith: Belief in God, in the Angels, the scriptures, the Messengers, the Day of Judgement and finally belief in Divine Decree and Destiny.

When I came to that part about Divine Decree and Destiny, she started sobbing. I was really surprised that none of the other things I had mentioned, including the concept of God, the Messengers and the scriptures had moved her to the extent that my words about Divine Decree and Destiny had. So, I asked her why she was crying.

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