Virtual Jumu`ah: Follow-up Question

Differences Are Part and Parcel of Fiqh

In other words, no one is wrong for choosing what they thought was right since both of them had the intention of obeying Allah and His Messenger as best as they understood it!

The scholars therefore chose to accept that the diversity of views in Fiqh is a given that no one ought to neglect.

This has been clearly stated by some of the most prominent scholars of the pious generations including Ata who said, “Whoever is not knowledgeable of the diversity of views in Fiqh, he is not qualified to give a ruling.”

Qatadah went a step further and added, “Such an individual is not even able to smell the fragrance of Fiqh (let alone master it).”

Now coming to my answer to your question:

It is my considered opinion that it should be fine to pray two rak`ah for those following their own congregation from their own mosque. This is provided that those listening to the virtual Khutbah (i.e. talk) live streamed at jumu`ah time have the required number for a jama`ah (the minimum number being two or more). With the required number, one of them can lead, and the others should follow.

Because they have completed the first part of Jumu`ah by listening to the Khutbah, now they are allowed to complete jumu`ah by finishing with the two rak`ahs. There is nothing in the sources to prevent them from making this choice.

In other words, those that wish to pray dhuhr can do so but those that wish to follow up the live streamed Friday Khutbah with two rak`ah in this way can also do so freely.

Here are the supporting evidences for this opinion:

By giving the “virtual talk/Khutbah” at the time of jumu`ah, they are already assuming they are performing the first and most essential integral of jumu`ah, which is one of the greatest symbols of Islam.  Khutbah, as we know, has been instituted in lieu of the two rak`ahs of dhuhr on Friday.

Moreover, Khutbah is the most important aspect of jumu`ah as many scholars have told us. That is why many of them, like Abu Hanifah, for example, consider the order of Allah to hasten to dhikr as an order to listen to the Khutbah

It can also be inferred from the hadith of the Prophet about the angels posted at the doors of the mosque on Fridays. The angels record the names of those who arrive for the prayer. “However, as soon as the Imam stands to deliver the Khutbah, they close the register to listen to the dhikr (i.e. Khutbah).”(Reported by Ahmad and others).

Objection and Response

As for the following objection: how can we be praying jumu`ah if the khateeb delivering the Khutbah is not the one leading the prayer?

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About Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty is a Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada