Common Misconceptions About Islam (Folder)

Since the birth of Islam until this day, there have been waves of oppositions to it, non-stop attacks on it, and false information and misconceptions about it.

These misconceptions still surround Islam. Many people believe that Islam encourages violence, supports racism, oppresses women…

But these fallacies are far from the real Islam.

Reading Islam compiled this folder that presents the most common misconceptions about Islam, Allah, Quran, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Does Islam Promote Hate?

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

Love in a worldly sense is the product of the mind. Yet love in a spiritual sense is the product of the soul. Here comes the role of religion.

Who is Allah?

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

Indeed, the star and crescent symbol are very ancient, dating back to early Sumerian civilization. And long after the time of the Prophet.

Who is Muhammad?

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

There are many aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) personality that are not just admirable in and of themselves.

Read Also:

Islam: A Religion of Violence?

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

This is not the first time in history that Muslims have suffered from the effects of lies and misrepresentations.

The Status of Women

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

The first woman who embraced Islam was Khadijah bint Khuwalid, wife of Prophet Muhammad. She was a rich merchant.

A Religion of Racism?

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his.

Misconceptions Related to the Quran

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

Failing to challenge or even imitate the truth of the divine wording of the Quran, non-Muslims invent all sorts of claims, even if they contradict logic.

Freedom of Faith and Relations with Other Faiths

Islam is Not Just Rituals: Love is at its Core

Freedom of religion is a controversial subject, even in the twenty-first century, and it usually generates a lot of heated discussions.