Muslims Having Sex: Places, Partners and Feelings

External pressures and individual predispositions to enter romantic and sexual relationships drive Muslims to explore venues of intimacy. Muslim communities and clergy rarely address their concerns in religious circles.

Muslims Having Sex: Places, Partners and Feelings - About Islam

Masjid Hookups

The prevailing misconceptions that masajid and Muslim events are havens from behaviors that promote non-marital sex and that pressures only come from non-Muslims create opportunities for Muslims to engage in conduct that may lead to haram encounters.

Muslim parents and leaders should dissolve the illusion that it’s “non-Muslims” who exclusively “taint” pristine Muslim youth.

Akande expounds, “I would not say Muslim youth are exclusively entering relationships with non-Muslim partners or Muslim partners. It’s a combination of both.

Some Muslims would prefer to engage with non-Muslim partners as it is perceived to be ‘easier’ with fewer repercussions, others prefer engaging with other Muslims as some believe their relationship may develop into a marriage.

It varies, but it’s definitely not one of the other.”

Muslim events may actually serve as spaces to form romantic relationships that may become sexual.

“Islamic events are hunting grounds for many young Muslims—men and women—looking for a partner,” said Akande. “Some have the intention of finding a spouse, others are looking for a casual relationship.”

“I have not witnessed it myself,” said Mohajir. “However, in my training sessions with other Muslim educators and professionals, I have heard that young people have found creative ways to engage in this behavior, even within Islamic institutions such as mosques or Islamic events such as Muslim conferences.”

Mohajir points out that gender segregation is not an ultimate solution.

“Gender segregation has never prevented intimate relationships for two reasons.

First, those who want to or are interested will always find ways to engage in intimate relationships.

Second, gender segregation does not address same-sex relationships, which happen much more often than communities are aware of.”

Muslims Having Sex: Places, Partners and Feelings - About Islam

Boyfriends, Girlfriends, and Sex

It’s important to note that not every romantic relationship involves sex. “Everyone pursues romantic relationships for various reasons,” said Mohajir. “Some for purely physical reasons, others seek companionship and emotional support.”

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