Muslims in Memphis Kick Off Month-long Event

MEMPHIS – In an effort to draw awareness to the true teachings of Islam, the initiative themed “Muslims in Memphis Month” kicked off in several mosques in Memphis on Saturday, March 2, maintain the successful event for almost two decades.

“If you want to know the authentic religion of Islam, if you want to know about it, you really need to come out and listen from a Muslim side,” Isam Abu-Khraybeh, Muslims In Memphis President, told Local Memphis.

“You know, sometimes, the media out there can be very deceiving. A lot of people have their own interpretations of Islam that doesn’t necessarily make it true.”

Launched on Saturday, the month-long celebration will include open house events at local mosques around the area.

Since 2001, the Muslim community has hosted a series of events to promote understanding and opportunity for fellowship and interaction with people of the Muslim faith.

This year’s theme is “Keeping Our Humanity In Modern Times.”

In its 18th year, the organization “Muslims in Memphis” said the event aims to promote understanding and opportunities for fellowship with people of the Muslim faith.

On Saturday, March 9, the group will host “Let’s Talk About It,” a conversational event with a panel of guest speakers at the Michael D. Rose Theatre and Lecture Hall at the University of Memphis.

Former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton made the “Muslims in Memphis” designation in 2001.