Memphis Hosts 4th Annual Muslim MEMFest

In a bid to foster and strengthen the relationships between the diverse communities of Memphis, Muslims in Memphis hosted the 4th Annual MuslimMEMfest event on Saturday, concluding month-long “Muslims in Memphis” event.

“This is an amazing opportunity to just all of us meet underneath the same roof and just enjoy one another to enjoy humanity celebrate you know our brotherhood our sisterhood you know we are all alike here so why not,” Halla Mustafa, the event coordinator for Muslims in Memphis, told Local Memphis.

Since 2001, the Muslim community has hosted a series of events to promote understanding and opportunity for fellowship and interaction with people of the Muslim faith.

This year’s theme was “Keeping Our Humanity in Modern Times.”

Saturday’s event at the Agricenter featured both Muslim and non-Muslim vendors and food.

It also had a silent auction benefiting Saint Jude and an informational exhibit about Islam.

“Memphis is an amazing place to do this. Muslim is not one nationality. It’s a huge pot of nationalities, literally,” Mostafa said.

“To me, Memphis is an absolutely great place. It’s filled with all nationalities and so forth. So why not Memphis.”

In its 18th year, the organization “Muslims in Memphis” said the event aims to promote understanding and opportunities for fellowship with people of the Muslim faith.

Former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton made the “Muslims in Memphis” designation in 2001.