Is Islam “Modern” Enough for Today’s America?

Cultural Differences

The problem with this approach today is how Muslim parents sometimes react to their children when it comes to how they meet and court people, especially if it’s seen as running counter to their cultural traditions.

“Nowadays it’s complicated. I do sometimes feel (how my parents view things) is old fashioned, because the minute you say ‘girlfriend’ or dating to your parents they immediately panic, but I think it matters how you define friendship and dating,” Raza said.

“If dating means seeing someone and talking to each other, but not kissing or doing anything sexual, and then you start to see that it’s working for both people then you should go for it.”

Is Islam “Modern” Enough for Today’s America? - About Islam

Modern-Traditional Conflict

Bridging the gap between so-called “traditional” and “modern” views of Islam and whether or not such concepts even exist continue to be a topic of conversation amongst Muslims, including those living and worshipping in the United States.

For Iman Syed, a 17-year-old high school senior in Katy, a suburb of Houston, he doesn’t believe there is any conflict when applying Islamic rulings to modern life.

“Islam is a religion of moderation so I think this is a man-made issue, this having to be extreme one way or the other,” he said.

“The companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) broke rules sometimes. They weren’t reciting Quran 24 hours a day.”

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