Heartbreaking Tweets Reveal Black Muslims’ Life

NEW YORK – Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (Muslim ARC) relaunched the hashtag on Twitter #BeingBlackAndMuslim to show the challenges of being black and Muslim in today’s America.

The hashtag, which was first launched in 2014 is making the rounds again, with hundreds of people weighing in on the topic, especially on their personal struggle with identity in an Islamophobic and anti-black world.

It made a comeback on Twitter on Tuesday, February 14, less than a month into Trump’s first month.

Hate crimes against Muslims increased by 67 percent in the US in 2015 –257 were registered in comparison to 154 in 2014– the highest since 2001.

Anti-black hate crimes also spiked – with a total of 1,745 crimes against the black community in 2015.

Here follows some off the heartbreaking tweets: