How Did People Respond to “Punish A Muslim Day“?

LONDON – Stand united, you are not alone, God’s with you, have no fear, speak out, continue loving, and stick together. These were just few examples of the solidarity messages people shared with the Muslim community on Tuesday, April 3, or the day designated by hate letters to be “punish a Muslim day.”

As hate letters were sent to Muslim homes and online, the calls for violence have been met with defiant campaigns calling for people to show solidarity with the religious community, Euro News reported.

“Love a Muslim Day” events have been organized in cities across the UK in opposition to the threats, while people shared the hashtag on Twitter alongside messages of support.

The hate letters, which encouraged violence against Muslims, started to circulate on social media on March 9.

Police were called after some letters were posted through doors of properties across London, Cardiff, the Midlands, and Yorkshire.

Protect a Muslim

Along with ‘Love a Muslim’ campaign, another initiative ‘Protect a Muslim’ was launched, where volunteers made the initiative to walk people home or to stay on the phone with anyone concerned about violence.

“We saw Punish A Muslim Day spreading around social media and felt concerned that nothing was being done to make people feel safe,” researcher Jamilla Hekmoun, who co-organised the action, told Euronews.

“We’ve had many calls today asking if we could get volunteers to accompany females out and about and a couple just wanting to stay on the phone with us as they felt unsafe. It’s been a positive response with over 100 volunteers signed up from across the country. We’ve also had messages of support being sent to the numbers as well as people saying they had been encouraged by our initiative to accompany their Muslim friends around today.”