Searching World Religions … Finding Islam

Finding Islam is a journey, a process, which can take weeks, months or years.

Keith Washington grew up in the Bible Belt area of Southern Texas.

He was a Baptist Christian till around the age of 17

After reading the Bible. he started a journey searching for the truth, searching world religions…

This is his story:

“My name is Eesa Washington, actually my name is Keith Washington.

I’m from California, San Diego. But my family is actually from Texas, on my father’s side.

I was born into a Southern Baptist, Texas, you know Bible Belt area.

And I was prety much, I guess you can say a Baptist Christian, till about 16-17 years old.

At that point, I actually read the Bible, and I became someone who believed in God, but who did not have a set religion.

I began to explore world religions.

I was on a path seeking a way, not really a religion.

Just do good and have good come to you.

One of the choices I made which was a mistake was partying and stuff like this which led to a car accident.

This car accident kind of sent me in the wrong direction.

I began to think that I should live every moment to its fullest and get everything out of life.

I began to go on the wild side than the mild side.

I knew there was more to life, you know doing the same thing every night, it gets boring.

The routine gets boring.

So I decided to go back to university.

I became a student activist.

I became active on the campus politics, and things like this, which led me to meeting a lot of people, different groups.

I was invited to one Muslim event, I attended it, and the speakers actually in their normal speeches they planted the seed.

This is a religion and people who are just and seeking justice.

What happens next?

Check this four minute video for the rest of the story of Keith finding Islam.