About Islam Is Seeking Youth Writers – Join Our Team!

Aboutislam is providing a platform for Muslim youths to get their voices heard.

We greatly respect our young readers. We know that you are intelligent, thoughtful and heartfelt. Thus, we invite you to please share your voice, thoughts and experiences with our millions of readers around the globe.

What age are we looking for?

16-25 years old.

Which countries are we targeting?

USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

Things we would really like to hear from you about:

  • A life-changing moment or experience

  • A personal letter to a family member or important person (can be anonymous)

  • Your thoughts on current events or taboos

  • As well as blog posts on news, social issues, fashion, mental and physical health, entertainment or anything else that is concerning you.

Don’t worry, our editors will professionally edit your article before being published and they are looking forward to working with you. Please send your ideas to [email protected]

About Islam Is Seeking Youth Writers - Join Our Team! - About Islam