What’s It Like to Be a 13-year-old Growing up in Gaza?

What’s it like to be a 13-year-old growing up in Gaza strip?

For Bilal, it means wheeling, getting used to the sound of drones in the sky, and rushing to finish homework before the usual power cut causes the lights to go out.

For 70 years, the regional conflict has impacted the lives of generations with blockades, armed clashes, and multiple wars. But for a kid, the conflict becomes more than a daily burden that impacts all aspects of life.

“Life in the Gaza Strip is very difficult,” said Bilal. “For example, we only get four hours of electricity per day. When I’m doing my homework, the electricity would suddenly cut. If it’s night and I can’t get out, then I have to stop studying.”

Bilal would like to be a computer specialist, he said, “like a programmer. Technology affects everything in our lives these days. It can improve everything.”

Growing up in Gaza in the Dark | NBC Left Field

What's it like growing up as a 13-year-old kid in Gaza? Meet Bilal. He only has access to electricity for four hours per day.

Posted by NBC News World on Friday, 5 January 2018