Pakistan’s Robin Hood Army Shares Thousands of Meals with the Needy

In Pakistan, tonnes of food go to waste every year. But this woman wanted to change that.

Mehak leads a team of volunteers called “Robin Hood Army” that pick up surplus food from restaurants across the country and share it with the needy.

Originally founded in New Delhi, India, the volunteer charity has expanded its operations to Pakistan.

The distributed food ranges from humble snacks from fast-food canteens to five-star meals from Pakistan’s top restaurants and hotels.

A key part of the Robin Hood Army philosophy is the notion of giving locally, with restaurants supporting the poor in their own communities, using food that would otherwise be thrown away and wasted.

Beating global hunger

According to their website, The team’s vision is to beat global hunger and bring out the best of humanity using food as a medium.

The idea is to create self-sustained chapters across the world who will look after their local communities. And in the process, inspire people around  to give back to those who need it most.