Imam Omar Suleiman Joins Fundraising Campaign for Yemen

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“Help provide Emergency food, clothing, and medical supplies to our brothers and sisters suffering in Yemen. 100% of all proceeds go towards Yemen relief efforts.

We are raising funds to help our brothers and sisters who are caught up in a brutal conflict with food, clothing, and medical aid.  An alarming 22.2 million people in Yemen need some kind of humanitarian or protection assistance.”Imam Omar Suleiman wrote on Facebook.

Suleiman said that he will be joining a Facebook live with many other leaders to raise fund for our sisters and brothers in Yemen.


Imam Omar Suleiman Joins Fundraising Campaign for Yemen - About Islam

People in Distress

• 8.4 million people are severely food insecure and at risk of starvation

• 16 million lack access to safe water and sanitation.

• 16.4 million lack access to adequate healthcare

How to help?

The campaign launched by Human Concern International  aims to raise funds for thousands of civilians caught in a raging military conflict in war-battered Yemen.

The charity organization’s work targets the refugee families from Al Hudaydah city, with a particular focus on those who have fled the horrors of war. These families number in the thousands.

Join them here.

For more details and donation check their appeal on launchgood