Akbar McEntyre

Akbar McEntyre, a social worker born and raised in Paterson, has recently received his Master’s degree in social work from Seton Hall University. Akbar spends his time giving back to the city of Paterson through his work at Humble Beginnings, which he founded in 2012.

Each week, Humble Beginnings feeds over 500 people in the city of Paterson, New Jersey, where 55% of the residents live below the federal poverty line.

“What makes Humble Beginnings unique is that we are a team of African American Muslims helping predominantly Black and Latino neighborhoods. This kind of work is not being done in this area. We have the credibility and the expertise to be able to really make a difference,” says Akbar.

The money raised by Akbar’s team is used to feed the community members of the city of Paterson. They require funds to purchase the food, put it together, and distribute it. They are a team of volunteers that spend every Sunday collecting, cooking, packaging, and distributing the food.

Read more about Akbar McEntyre:

An Inspirational Muslim Gives Back by Feeding the Homeless