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Lilly In Makkah: Hajj Diary (Day 6- Arafah)

Day Six: The Before and After Click

Tick tock tick tock…

It’s 8:35am and we are all counting the minutes till Zuhr (noon prayer), which is when the most beautiful and glorious day of the year starts right here on mount Arafah. This is what we came here for, and this is why I paid extra charges for overweight luggage since the thousands of hearts I took with me didn’t fit in my purple carry-on!

Today is the day people! You’ll all be transformed and reborn by Maghreb prayer inshAllah.

Oh my God! You know what sounds like so much fun?

A before and after picture!!

You know when you’re all pale and geeky then you get a fabulous makeover? And then the picture is photo shopped and ho-ho! You’re as beautiful as the sun and moon put together!

Except today’s makeover is of your inner souls… Your Merciful Great Lord will delete the sins of your past by sunset along with all its regrets and mistakes. There’s no tricks or technology involved. It’s purely you…glowing with peace and blessings… As innocent as a newborn baby, with a chance to start anew…

The Before Picture

Do you think it’s safe to whine a little bit before Zuhr prayer? Coz I so need to take it out of my “before” drama-queen-system.

Zuhr is at noon so we’re good for a couple of hours!

Okay, so we finished Hajj rites at the Ka’bah yesterday and ran to the buses to spend the night at mount Arafa. It’s so not a Sunnahactually, but with the traffic nightmare, it’s better to be safe than sorry. A couple of years ago, a group of pilgrims got stuck on the road, they arrived at Arafat AFTER Maghreb! Like hello? Too late! They missed Hajj completely and had to redo it the following year.

Anyways, Hajjis stay in tents, one for men and one for women. We walked in and looked at each other with confusion, seeing there were not enough room for all hundred women to sleep in, we realized “Uhm we have a problem!”
It was after midnight and this was the only chance to get some sleep for another two days. So the plan was to take turns. Yes, you heard that right! There was a line up for sleep, just like the one outside for the bathrooms (not a correct term though. It’s actually just a toilet and a tiny drain, and if you wanna shower, I guess you stand on top of the toilet and use the shower head)

I met my lovely cousins here too, and they were so sweet they managed to save one single bed for both my sister in law and I.  Both of us crammed in a tiny bunk bed it felt like that movie “Honey I Blew Up The Kids!” We laughed so hard. I mean  it’s 100 degrees outside, the lights are on, there’s 40 women around you engaging in bedtime gossip, loud noises of cars and sirens, and about 4000 Mosquitoes distributed evenly amongst us! Plus the line up outside.
(I told you I was gonna whine lol)

But SubhanAllah, even with all that, we still got some peaceful sleep, and now we can’t wait for Zuhr!

Sorry, that was my camera taking the “before” picture!

Shhhhhhhh The Great Lord is descending to the first heaven…

Talk to Allah… tell Him what’s aching your heart…. He is the most benevolent and the most generous…

Now go talk to Allah, He’s listening.

The After Picture

It’s 6:56pm and with the sunset of Arafah day, we have been reborn…

And there are no words to describe this feeling…

Everyone is so quiet and calm… Even though we have a long way ahead to Muzdalifah, and we’re extremely exhausted, everyone is smiling and praising the Great Lord…

Thanking Him for the luxury we take for granted back home…

Comfy beds, clean bathrooms, warm meals, shower gels and lotions!

And most of all thanking Him for giving us the means to come here…

And then inviting us to be His guests…

And even though we have done so much wrong, He’s giving us the chance to start a new page…

No wonder we are all smiling…


That’s the “After” picture…

You can hardly see the faces: they’re all emitting so much pure white light…

You’ve been given a second chance… Take the right path and enlighten your world with every step you take…

Or take a wrong turn and..

You know what? Let me hang this picture on your wall. It will remind you daily that when you’re on the right track, nothing can go wrong…

When you’re with Allah, you’re more beautiful than the sun and moon put together…

Have a wonderful amazing Eid guys! I’m off to stone the stupid devil. Wish me luck!


First published in September 2015.

About Lilly S. Mohsen
Lilly S. Mohsen is the uprising author of “The Prophets To Islam” Series for children. Lilly studied Photographic Journalism at the American University in Cairo. She worked as a photographer, blogger and freelance author for a number of magazines and agencies around the world, until she finally decided to write her own books. After extensive studies and mastering in Psychology, she also started working as a part-time therapist and marriage counselor. Lilly currently lives in Egypt with her son and daughter, whom she proudly admits, are the main source of her inspiration. For more please check out her blog: lillymohsen.wordpress.com