‘Fresh Voices Awards’ for Successful Refugees in Canada

In an effort to remove barriers to refugees’ ability to thrive, a group of immigrants in Canada have floated an initiative to award immigrants and refugees for their contributions to their communities.

The Fresh Voices Awards initiative aims to recognize the inspiration and leadership of immigrant and refugee in British Colombia and all across Canada.

The initiative is meant to offer a way for immigrant and refugee youth to engage in dialogue and action to identify their success.

Youths, aged 14-24, can apply for an award or can nominate someone else to receive it with the deadline set for May 17.

The majority of the awards are for youth in British Columbia, however youth from across Canada are eligible for the National Fresh Voices Artivism Award.

Click here for more details about the Awards

To apply , click here 


Source: http://freshvoices.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2017-AboutFreshVoicesAwards.pdf