Is It Permissible to Sell Payment Collection Machines?

20 June, 2020
Q I work for a company that collects payments via point-of-sale machines which accept credit card payments in return for a commission that increases in line with the amount paid by the customer. In fact, I'm in charge of Sales and Public Relations. I organize and sign contracts with traders to supply them with those machines (Point-of-sale machines). What is the ruling on my job?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

If the company’s business is restricted to manufacturing the machines which are used only for collecting payments, then there is no harm that you work there and sell those machines.

Answering your question, the General Iftaa’ Department in Jordan, states the following:

If the company’s business is restricted to manufacturing the machines which are used only for collecting payments, then there is no harm that you work there and sell hose machines.

This is because they are a means of collecting payments, have nothing to do with unlawful transactions, don’t provide assistance to that end and whatever commissions are received by the company is considered conditional payment.

Almighty Allah knows best.
