I Regret Listening to Father On Marriage, Study

06 February, 2020
Q Aslamualaikum, I am 25 years old female living a life full of regrets. When I was 18 years old I experienced 2 bad decisions in my life. Number 1 I got admission in the best medical college in my country but my father didn't allow me to go out of the city and live in a hostel.

He forced me to study in the medical college which is located in my own city. This college was not good and I knew that. I requested him to allow me to go out of the city but he didn't do that. I finished my bachelors but I have regretted that I could be the better doctor if I got a chance to study in a better medical college.

Second, my first cousin sent a marriage proposal through his parents to my parents but due to family issues among both families in the past my father rejected that proposal. Both of us had an idea that we like each other but we never talk about this. He directly sent the proposal and my parents rejected that without discussing it with me.

I just want to know that I was 18 years old at that time. I think it was my fault. I should argue with my father to allow me to go out of the city and also to accept that marriage proposal. But at the same time, I was only 18 years old, I had no courage to talk about those issues. Can you please tell me is it my fault that I didn't stand for my right at the age of 18 years old? Should I regret about it or not? Was that my fault? I am living in agony for 7 years. Please help me.


In this counseling answer:


•Remember that perhaps if it was meant to be; if you were meant to study outside your hometown or marry this man then Allah would have allowed it to happen.

•You can try and look back with the understanding of the situation from your parents’ perspective, as well as in terms of Allah’s plan.

•You can then move forward with this new understanding and confidence in yourself to learn from the past and use it to your advantage in the future.

Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh sister,

Living with regrets for such a long time can take its toll on the person due to prolonged psychological pressure. We all live with some regrets from things we have said and done in childhood and often wish we could go back and change them. The problem is that we can’t.

What’s past is past

Like in your scenario, you can’t take back what has happened; that you didn’t debate with your gather about allowing you to study outside of your city and accept the marriage proposal. What you can do, however, is not let these past events continue to bother and effect who you are today.

You can use what happened to shape who you are today and learn from past mistakes, giving you the confidence to speak up when necessary so as to avoid the same regrets you are experiencing now.

Also, remember that perhaps if it was meant to be; if you were meant to study outside your hometown or marry this man then Allah would have allowed it happen. He didn’t allow it to happen and maybe that is what was best for you. Use your trust in Allah that He guided you in the path you are on now to find more comfort in the situation.

Think again

Ponder of the positive things that have happened in the last 7 years that possibly wouldn’t have done if you had to study away from home or married this man.

You may see some things now,  and others maybe in the future. For example, maybe Allah has someone who will be better for you lined up, someone that won’t cause difficulties between the families and will be even better for you in the long run.


I Regret Listening to Father On Marriage, Study- About Islam

Allah’s plan for  you

Do also keep in mind that there are reasons that your father objected to you going away and marrying this man. If you had argued with him about it, maybe you would be aware of these things, but the moment has passed now so it’s probably best to just let go and accept things as they are, as Allah has willed.

For example, as a father, he wants to protect you and if you were to study outside your hometown he would be less able to do this. He would not feel like he is fulfilling his role as a father to protect you. Therefore, his reasons for stopping you could likely have been out of a deep and caring love for you.

Furthermore, regarding the proposal, you were aware that it may have caused difficulties between the families and perhaps this is the very reason that he did not keep to go ahead with this.

Discontent between the husband and wives families make for a very doc on tented and unhappy marriage so your father was just trying to protect you from this. Additionally, your parents only want what’s eat for you, they want you to marry the best man who will make you happy.

Check out this counseling answer:

At the same time, however, if you were to marry then they would also fear losing you to some extent too. This is a big fear for parents as it involves letting go and allowing their child to be independent and not rely in them anymore.

It places them in a position where they can no longer protect you as much and in the way that they feel is best for you.

From here, you can try and look back with the understanding of the situation from your parents perspective, as well as in terms of Allah’s plan.

You can then move forward with this new understanding and confidence in yourself to learn from the past and use it to your advantage in the future.

May Allah bring you ease and grant you a righteous spouse when the time is right, who will be the coolness of your eyes in this life and the next.


Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

Read more:

What to Do When Parents Oppose Our Marriage?

My Parents Disapprove of Marriage, What to Do?

I Got a Marriage Proposal While I’m Studying; What to Do?