Who Are Better in the Sight of Allah: Born Muslims or Converts?

05 May, 2020
Q Hello, I had a conversation about covid 19 with a born Muslim and we talked about the deaths happening in the USA. The person asked how many Muslims has been affected (die) for it which I answered that it didn’t matter because all deaths Muslims or non Muslims where tragic. But the person keep insisting that Muslims death were more important of sort. I keep telling the person that we shouldn’t limit Allah mercy on Muslims only because that would not be fair. At the end the person told me “I am born Muslim and you are only a convert!” I didn’t understood what the person mean by that but my understanding is that born Muslim or some Muslims feel somehow above other humans including convert. Are born Muslim better than converts? And why?


Short Answer:

  • The very earliest converts were some of the best people in Islamic history. So much of our beautiful tradition has been passed down from people who were not born as Muslims, and they were not looked down upon by Allah (SWT) nor the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  • Taqwa is the defining factor on who is a better Muslim in the sight of Allah whether it be a born Muslim or convert.
  • Respect is to be given to those who have passed onto the next dimension, whether they are Muslim or not. The status of a human being is high in the eyes of Allah (SWT) and we should not value only the lives of Muslims but all people who have passed away during this painful and troubling pandemic.


Asalaam Alaikum,

Thank you for contacting AboutIslam with your question. It is a grave misconception for anybody, Muslim or not, to assume that somebody born into Islam is better or worse than somebody who finds the faith later in life. In fact, Allah (SWT) values every single life of his creation, even animals and insects as well.

The First Converts

The very earliest converts were some of the best people in Islamic history. We look to the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad to help us understand more about the best person of all of mankind – the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings be upon him). They were there with him when he dealt with the heaviness of revelation, and close to him when he needed help. 

So much of our beautiful tradition has been passed down from people who were not born as Muslims, and they were not looked down upon by Allah (SWT) nor the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The most vital thing for all of us to remember is the mercy and majesty of Allah Most High and how we all seek His divine pleasure.

Proof that Allah Loves His Creation

If Allah did not see worth in each one of us, He would not have shaped us and breathed life into us. Each person is given an inherent worth by Allah (SWT). Since Allah (SWT) has told us of His divine nature that He is al-Khalaaq (The Creator), and Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner).

To be The Creator means to be the One who brings things into existence after their non-existence. He creates things from nothingness and then bestows upon them their designated characteristics.

To be The Fashioner means to be the One who forms everything in creation. It is to be the One who has given everything in creation a special inclination of desire and a special form and a special manner in how it exists.

Allah (SWT) tells us of these so we may remember Him as He is. People are always trying to convince each other that they’re better than everybody else for arbitrary reasons, but in truth, Allah is giving each and every one of us a chance at His mercy.

Was He Not A Living Soul?

There is a famous hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari that goes as follows:

“Sahl bin Hunaif and Qais bin Sa`d were sitting in the city of Al-Qadisiya. A funeral procession passed in front of them and they stood up. They were told that funeral procession was of one of the inhabitants of the land i.e. of a non-believer, under the protection of Muslims. They said, “A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet (ﷺ) and he stood up. When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jewish person, he said, “Is it not a living being (soul)?”

So it is clear that respect is to be given to those who have passed onto the next dimension, whether they are Muslim or not. The status of a human being is high in the eyes of Allah (SWT) and we should not value only the lives of Muslims but all people who have passed away during this painful and troubling pandemic.

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

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