Is There Any Proof of Noah’s Ark?

11 January, 2020
Q Is there any proof that there was a flood during Prophet Nuh's (Noah) time? Do we have any evidence from Nuh's Ark?


Short Answer: 

  • Not necessarily. Sometimes people say they have brought back a plank from some location, or something like this, but most of the evidence seems to lead to dead ends.
  • When the Quran says that the Ark rested on Mount Judi, and this is a very specific mountain, and that makes sense from that perspective.
  • The Quran’s depiction of this leads to the belief that this was a local flood. And all historical investigations are pointing to the possibilities of local floods, but never to a universal flood.

Asalamu Alaikum,

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question.

Dr. Shabir Ally from Let the Quran Speak addresses this question in the video below.


Aisha Khaja Dr. Shabir, the question today is about- is there any proof of Noah’s Ark?

And the viewer goes on to ask, “Surely a massive flood would have some evidence?”

Dr. Shabir Ally: Some people are trying to find evidence of Noah’s Ark.

And David Rohl, in his book A Test of Time, thinks that he has found some evidence.

Sometimes people say they have brought back a plank from some location, or something like this, but most of the evidence seems to lead to dead ends.

Like somebody had the plank, or somebody took a photograph. But that person went to South America and then that person died.

So, you know, they are untraceable links, dead ends type of thing.

But David Rohl has done a thorough investigation of this.

And in his book, he says that the Quranic statement that the Ark eventually rested on Mount Judi, this seems more credible.

And he gives a number of indications from history, from people who have said certain things about this overtime.

But, I wouldn’t give full credence to that except to say that when the Quran says that the Ark rested on Mount Judi, and this is a very specific mountain, and that makes sense from that perspective.

Whereas, in other scriptures, where it says that the Ark rested on the Mountains of Ararat, one wonders what does it mean, “the Mountains of Ararat”?

Was the Ark so big that it rested on more than one mountain at one time?

So, the Quranic depiction of this seems more reasonable from that point of view.

Aisha Khaja: Do we know if this flood was a local flood or a universal flood?

Dr. Shabir Ally: Well, the other scriptures give the impression that it was a universal flood.

But the Quran’s depiction of this leads to the belief that this was a local flood.

And all historical investigations are pointing to the possibilities of local floods, but never to a universal flood.

And this is especially detailed in a book by Sarah Leonard Woolley entitled the Bible is History.

I hope this helps answer your question. Please keep in touch.

Walaikum Asalam.

(From AboutIslam’s archives)

Read more…

Prophet Nuh (Noah)

The Courageous 5: Prophet Noah, Part 1.

The Courageous 5: Prophet Noah, Part 2