Well Known Organizations Where You Can Make Udhiyah

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,”For every hair of the Qurbani you will receive a reward from Allah, and for every strand of its wool you will receive a reward.” (Tirmidhi)

Udhiya or Qurbani is a reminder of Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) obedience and devotion to Allah (swt). It is a religious obligation that must be met by sacrificing an animal during Eid-al-Adha. It takes place in the 12th month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul Hijjah, and the meat is distributed to the poor.

For many families, the gift of Udhiya could be the only time they are able to eat meat for the whole year.

Muslims For Humanity team brings to you a list of the most well known Muslim organizations, through which you can give your Udhiya.

Islamic Relief 

Every Eid-al-Adha, Islamic Relief provides the best possible Qurbani meat to the world’s most vulnerable people and families.

Last year, through your generous support, we were able to organise 153,041 Qurbanis and distribute 636,553 meat packs to 3,349,080 million people across 30 countries.

This year, we are planning to distribute cows, sheep and goats to 3.5 million vulnerable people across 33 countries; including Syria, the Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Malawi and Myanmar.


United Muslim Relief 

With Eid Al Adha right around the corner, we are proud to be one of the Muslim charities that is seeking to make a difference in the lives of the poor. Did you know that there are nearly 800 million people in the world who struggle to survive because of hunger?

Here at United Muslim Relief, we know that we can’t completely solve the problem, but we do know that we can provide help to those who need it the most.

You can donate your Qurbani or Udhiya today and know that your sacrifice will mean that someone else’s need are met. Can you imagine a better feeling that knowing that your act of kindness made a truly tangible difference in the life of a person who needed help?


Zakat Foundation

“Neither their meat nor their blood will reach Allah, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” The Holy Quran (22:37)

Zakat Foundation of America (ZF) provides Udhiya/Qurbani in more than 40 countries worldwide. ZF ensures the best quality meat for distribution by purchasing well-maintained livestock from local farmers in each country. ZF performs the Udhiya/Qurbani sacrifices during the days of Eid-ul-Adha and the fresh meat is distributed amongst those in need.

Your sacrifice can brighten the smiles of those who may have been long-deprived of such nourishment in places like Gaza, Syria, Mali, and India to name a few.

When it comes to giving in the way of Allah (swt), please remember: a little sacrifice goes a long way.

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Muslim Aid 

In 5 ways the lives of the poorest communities have been changed for the better. You can make all this happen with just £35! This Qurbani, Be The Change


Human Care Syria 

This Eid Ul Adha share the reward by helping us distribute fresh Qurbani to those in need inside Syria whether towns, cities or rural areas. Last year with your support we were able to feed 63,100 people across Syria, this year we want to feed thousands more.We will be delivering Qurbani’s to: Aleppo, Homs, Damascus Suberbs, Idlib and Hama.

Donate £145 Now for a Qurbani inside Syria

Each Qurabni (sheep) can feed upto 10 families in Syria that’s a total of 50 people!

This Eid share the joy and blessing of your Qurbani by sending it to the most needy in Syria.


Penny Appeal USA 

As a Muslim-led multicultural organization, we’re proud to offer programs that allow Muslims to fulfill their religious obligations, share in the festivities of Eid Al-Adha, and provide joy for families in need this Qurbani/Udhiyah season.

For every $45 you donate, Penny Appeal USA will give your one-time qurbani of fresh meat to a needy family and ensure that they are enjoying their Eid Al-Adha.

Islamic Help

Islamic Help performs Qurbanis on behalf of its donors in countries where people are suffering because of economic or social deprivation. We distribute the meat to the poor and needy. In many cases it is the only time of year they receive meat.
Last year we distributed Qurbani meat to nearly 170,000 beneficiaries across the world.


Helping Hand

Helping Hand USA involved local communities in distributing fresh meat onsite amongst the most needy families. This includes orphans, widows, and refugees many of which receive meat only once a year.

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